Satyakanth Maddu

  • Satyakanth Maddu



Born in India and raised in both India and the United States, Satyakanth experienced diverse cultures, perspectives, and opportunities that helped shape his future. His early years were spent alternating between these two unique environments, which significantly influenced his perspective and approach towards his personal and professional life.

In 2005, Satyakanth graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology, which began his academic exploration into the world of IT. This educational foundation provided him with a comprehensive understanding of various digital technologies which would later serve as a cornerstone of his career.

For five years after his graduation, Satyakanth dove deeper into the IT world, amassing knowledge and honing his skills in system administration, cryptography and security. In 2010, he started his professional journey as an IT consultant, specializing in Systems Administration. His affinity for problem-solving and strategic planning helped him stand out in his field.

Alongside his IT career, Satyakanth discovered an entrepreneurial spirit, venturing into varied fields such as real estate, financial planning, coffee cafes and ethnic grocery stores. These endeavors not only diversified his professional portfolio but also developed his business acumen and strategic management skills.

In 2012, Satyakanth capitalized on his experience and insights to establish his own IT consulting firm, Welkinsol Tech. This milestone not only signified his entrepreneurial skills but also highlighted his expertise in IT. Providing staffing services to numerous top Fortune 500 companies, receiving many accolades and awards, the firm stands as a testament to his leadership and vision in the IT sector.

Satyakanth’s interest in the evolving technology landscape led him to follow blockchain and Bitcoin closely since 2013. His intrigue for IT security grew in tandem, culminating in his achievement of a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification in 2020.

In the wake of the web3 and metaverse technology explosion in 2022, Satyakanth met his future partners, Marina Tito, and Lorenzo Di Alessandro. This meeting of minds, unified by a shared passion for technological innovation, paved the way for collaborations on multiple NFT projects. Utilizing his expertise in technology, website design, and smart contract deployments, Satyakanth played a significant role in launching these NFT projects.

Satyakanth felt that he wanted to make a positive impact on the world, so in 2022 he launched a charity called Good Puppy Go, with his friends Marina, Lorenzo and Jigar Panchal. The mission is to help provide cognitive behavioral tools to children from low income families.

Today, Satyakanth continues his journey at the intersection of entrepreneurship and technology, driven by an unwavering curiosity for the digital world and a passion for creating impactful solutions.

Services Provided Via Renaissance City:

NFT Tech

Metaverse Architecture

Blockchain Technology

Tech Business Analysis

Tech Business Solutions


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