Lorenzo Di Alessandro

  • Lorenzo Di Alessandro



Lorenzo Di Alessandro is a co-founder and the Vice President of Go Gnomo. A designer with over fifteen years in game development and animation, and a commercial pilot with ten years flying experience, Lorenzo co-founded Renaissance City, to continue his innovative ventures in Web3 with a team of experts he shares his passions with.

Born in Florence, Italy, to a school teacher and painter and an entrepreneurial dental technician, Lorenzo loved to draw from a very early age. His passion for flight though brought him to attend a High School focused on air traffic control.

During his army days, Lorenzo suffered an injury to his knee and required surgery, which kept him in the hospital for over a month. In order to pass the time, he drew caricatures and comic strips of the nuns that ran the hospital. These imaginative works would later on open up doors to new opportunities.

Following his dream, Lorenzo moved to Florida in 1999 in order to attend flight school. He obtained his private, instruments, commercial, instructor, single and multi-engine licenses within two years. Lorenzo instructed for a year while he started flying commercial, covering most of the US, Central and South America within the following seven years.

During all of his flying years, Lorenzo continued to draw and dabbled in graphic design. It was during 2007, when Lorenzo met Invicta’s creative director and then student-pilot, Marina Tito, that his graphic works and old comics won him a freelance design position. Lorenzo designed the watches for the Invicta Pilot collection, created animations for events and collection launches, and animated Good Puppy for Invicta (as the Invicta Watch Puppy) for many years to come.

Lorenzo also contributed to the development of the Good Puppy brand from its inception, in 2008. He helped illustrate the initial eight children’s picture books and take them into narrated digital books and apps. In 2015, he started Go Gnomo with Good Puppy’s creator, Marina Tito, and focused on the Good Puppy Children’s Behavioral & Emotional System, under the guidance of Marina’s brother, licensed family therapist Gabriel Tito.

In order to fulfill their vision, and get these tools in the hands of therapists and mental health institutions working with low-income families, and with the help of Satyakanth Maddu, Good Puppy Go was born. The strategic creation of a 501(c)(3) charity would not only allow for these tools to reach their beneficiaries, but it would make them tax deductible and accessible to everyone.

A passionate innovator and gifted animator born and raised in the cradle of the Renaissance, Lorenzo can’t wait to see where Renaissance City will take them.

Services Provided Via Renaissance City:

Brand Development


2D Animation

App And Game Design

NFTs Creative

Metaverse Wearables And Items


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